
Do you want to integrate with our platform, develop additional specific functions or do you require personalized reports? Experts from SportaMundi can help you take the step towards a sustainable solution that can be embedded in your country.

In Flanders (Belgium), we guided the following organizations with their digital transformation:

WWSV has built a digital platform that can be shared with sports federations to promote their sport and their local sports clubs.

Gezond Sporten Vlaanderen is building a digital library for trainers on primary injury prevention.

Would you like to collaborate or learn more about our project approach?


With SportKompas, children between 8 and 10 years old can discover which sports fit them best. Based on physical tests and insights on motivation, each child gets their own personalized report with 7 “sport planets” out of a set of 40 sports. All test results are stored on the digital platform, available for sports and physical education (PE) teachers. A built-in algorithm from Ghent University (Prof. Matthieu Lenoir) determines the ranking of sports based on these results.

Statistics and reports from SportKompas show a child’s favorite sports, their most common barriers to engage in sports, the kid’s sports participation rate and his/her movement skills against scientific benchmarks. The collected data from SportKompas provides new insights for researchers, schools, cities and governments. These insights can be used to initiate specific interventions or remediations as part of a broader health and sports policy.

The same digital platform is also used as a Movement Skills Platform for schools. Physical Education (PE) teachers can use the platform to differentiate their lessons with exercises based on the movement skills of each individual child.

SportKompas® is a registered trademark by SportaMundi.

Find out more at

Three girls looking at an iPad where the I LIKE app is shown

Movement Skills Platform

The Movement Skills Platform can be used to monitor the movement skills & health parameters of children in schools, based on scientific research, specific tests, and digital questionnaires.

A digital library is included within the platform, which links remediation exercises to specific movement skills. PE teachers can then use the platform to monitor the development of their students and provide differentiated exercises which are linked to the pre-set learning outcomes.

During 2021 about 40 pilot schools in Flanders and The Netherlands are using this platform. As from 2022, this solution will be made available to our regional partners to be used by primary & secondary schools in their country.

Interested to become a partner? Please contact us for more information.

Find out more about the Movement Skills Platform here

Girl performing shuttle run exercise during gym class

Beweegwijzer voor Diabetici

SportaMundi realiseerde in opdracht van Solidaris de "Beweegwijzer voor Diabetici". Dit project werd gecoordineerd in samenwerking met UGent, Studio Dott en Hylyght. test

Meer info op "Beweegwijzer voor Diabetici"


Together with 7 partners SportaMundi managed to win a European project in which an exergame around SportKompas will be developed.

With this project we want to offer children a sports orientation and improve their movement skills with digital technologies in the sports and education sector.

Meer info over SPEX


SportaMundi coordinates an ERASMUS+ project to implement SportKompas in 3 cities in Europe: Tampere (Finland), Cuneo (Italy) and Valencia (Spain) together with 5 partners: Varala Institute (Finland), ANCI Piemonte (Italy), European University of Valencia (Spain), Cluster Sports & Technology (the Netherlands) and EPSI (Belgium).

Meer info over SPOKI

Ikwatersport is Ă©Ă©n van de realisaties begeleid door SportaMundi voor Wind en Watersport Vlaanderen, in samenwerking met Studio Dott en Hyperion. Het doel van dit project was om de ongebonden sporter toe te leiden naar verschillende watersportactiviteiten.


SportaMundi begeleidt MOEV bij de voorbereidingen en implementatie van een vernieuwde website en CRM systeem. Daarnaast helpt SportaMundi bij de implementatie van het Beleidsplan, meer bepaald met het inrichten van Integrale Kwaliteitzorg, proces- en projectmatig werken.

MOEV website